Sometimes you may not be able to see the latest changes you have made on the page, this could be because your website is loading the previous version of your website. Don't worry theres an easy fix for this. A hard refresh offers a quick and easy way to clear the browser's cache for a specific page, forcing it to load the latest and greatest version of it.
Usually this issue may occur for users using the chrome or microsoft edge browser.
To hard refresh: Press and hold ⇧ Shift on your keyboard and click the Reload icon on your browser.
The reload icon is located next to the address bar on your browser.
Another way to hard refresh is to press: Ctrl +⇧ Shift + R on windows or ⌘ Cmd +⇧ Shift + R for mac users.
Weebsy recommends using Firefox or Safari browsers on the computer for editing your website.
You can also use your tablet or smart phone's inbuilt browser to edit your website.
Yes you can, however if you experience that the latest changes are not showing up after editing your website then hard refresh your browser instead of using the 'Save' button.